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Micogel® ( Miconazole )

Leki Przeciwgrzybicze, Kosmetyka Skóry

Micogel® należy do grupy leków przeciwgrzybiczych stosowanych w dermatologii. Głównym aktywnym składnikiem leku jest azotan mikonazolu. Jest lekiem przeciwgrzybiczym, jest pochodną imidazolu. Ma działanie grzybobójcze przeciwko różnym drożdżom, grzybom drożdżopodobnym i innym chorobotwórczym, zdolnym do zakłócania biosyntezy aminokwasów ważnych dla budowy membran grzybów sterydowych. W rezultacie jego ochrona bariery jest zerwana, grzyb ginie. Wywiera także działanie antybakteryjne na bakterie Gram-ujemne i Gram-dodatnie. Micogel® ma działanie hiperosmolarne, w wyniku czego jego zastosowanie powoduje efekt przeciwwysiękowy. Micogel® stosuje się do miejscowego leczenia infekcji grzybiczych skóry, stóp, paznokci. Skuteczny z: nadkażeniem wywołanym przez mikroorganizmy Gram-dodatnie i grzybicę paznokci.

Brand(s): Micogel

Producent: Cipla

Choroby: Yeast / Fungal Infections Of The Skin / Feet / Nails / Superinfection Caused By Gram-positive Microorganisms / Onychomycosis

Cena Za rurka Oszczędności Zamówienie
2% 15g × 3 rurki
Darmowe wysyłki pocztą lotniczą
zl 1039.28 zl 346.43 Dodaj do koszyka

Micogel® cream

What is this product?

Micogel 2% Cream is a broad spectrum antifungal which is used in the treatment of infections caused by fungi in the mouth and in conditions like athlete's foot, jock itch, and vaginal yeast infections. Do not take this medicine if you have a known allergy to milk protein.
Miconazole usually starts to work within a few days of starting treatment. Treatment may be needed for up 2 to 4 weeks, depending on the infection being treated.
Your doctor may have suggested this medication for conditions other than those listed in these drug information articles. As well, some forms of this medication may not be used for all of the conditions discussed here. If you have not discussed this with your doctor or are not sure why you are being given this medication, speak to your doctor. Do not stop using this medication without consulting your doctor.
Do not give this medication to anyone else, even if they have the same symptoms as you do. It can be harmful for people to use this medication if their doctor has not prescribed it.

What is it prescribed for?

  • Oral Thrush
  • Micogel 2% Cream is used in the treatment of fungal infection in the mouth caused by Candida albicans fungus.

  • Vaginal Candidiasis
  • Micogel 2% Cream is used in the treatment of vaginal infections caused by the fungus Candida albicans.

  • Skin fungal infections
  • Micogel 2% Cream is used in the treatment of skin infections caused by the fungus. It is also used to treat fungal infections of the nails

How to use Micogel cream?

Missed Dose The missed dose can be taken as soon as you remember. If it is time for the next dosage then the missed dose can be skipped.
Overdose Inform your doctor immediately if you are experiencing symptoms of overdose.


Micogel 2% Cream is not recommended for use if you have a known allergy to this medicine and also allergy to milk protein.

What should you know before using this medication?


This medicine is not recommended for use during pregnancy unless absolutely necessary. Consult your doctor about the potential benefits and risks before deciding to take this medicine.


Clear data is not available about the use of this medicine in the breastfeeding women. Use with caution when the topical cream is applied. Consult your doctor about the potential benefits and risks before deciding to take this medicine.

Liver injury

Micogel 2% Cream may increase the liver enzyme levels. Close monitoring of liver function tests is necessary at the time of initiation of the treatment. Discontinue the medicine if symptoms worsen.

Pediatric use

The safety and effectiveness of Micogel 2% Cream have not been established in pediatric patients less than 16 years of age.

What are the posible side effects?

Major & minor side effects for Micogel 2% Cream

  • Body pain
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Fever or chills
  • Headache
  • Black or tarry stools
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Stomach pain
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weakness
  • Change in taste

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